Sunday, 13 November 2011

ZUZU 3rd Annive Celebration

last saturday, we celebrated our 3rd anniversary in WARPAS Rawamangun :3
it was a really great sat-nite ~
we spent our time together, laughing, talking, bothering each other and everything!
i really love them
and i wanna share some pics hehehe
check these out !

it was such a great candle light dinner ever with ZUZU


Happy 3rd Anniversary!

with a bunch of love,


Thursday, 3 November 2011


i'm so sorry for the late update :(


i was so touched, 3years wasn't a short time but also not a long time....
i want to spend my time more more more more and moreeeee with y'all :')
i really love ZUZU. even, LOVE can't describe how much i love them.
i don't want to lost them.... they've taken half of my life story since 2years ago...
if i wasn't join from the beginning, then i'll stay with them forever..

share everything. tears. laughter. love. care. friendship isn't a right word to describe.
FAMILY. maybe this is the right one.
from awkward to besties. from unknown to be know.
i never regret being a part of ZUZU. i won't replace ZUZU with everything.
ZUZU has taken half of my heart, also half of my life as i said before.
so many problems, obstacles, bashes during our journey until now...

we passed it with smile, deep tears, and the most important is TOGETHER.
i believe that ZUZU can stay together forever, whatever people said about us.
they can make me cry a lot. laugh a lot.
they've given me so many experiences which i couldn't mentioned.
they are my precious jewel.
they are the most beutiful and unpredictable gift from GOD.
they are ZUZU, and i'm proud being a part of them.

and also i want to thanked to SUPER JUNIOR.
the most ADORABLE GROUP in this world, to inspirate us, becomes a group and family like them :) THANK YOU SO VERY BERRY MUCH!!!

i also want to share this. videos from Heechul hyung and Shindong hyung.
some of our memories and journey....
this is from Heechul hyung :

and this is from Shindong hyung :

my tears went out when i saw those videos. i really can't stand it.
once again,


Kim Ryeowook of ZUZU,


Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Thank You.

“Even everyone has their own opinion and personality, in the end Leeteuk hyung’s one sentence gathers it all.”

“It’s always Teukie hyung. We have so many members, many thoughts, many opinions, but he tolerated us very well, he’s so the best leader!”

“I really look up to Leeteuk hyung like a brother. A brother I can trust and rely on.”

“Hyung, I know during this time, you’ve been through a lot of hardships. But everything will get better.”

“I’ve trusted hyung for 10 years and I have never once regretted.”

“Our leader really loves us a lot. If we have nothing to do, he’d stay awake with us and talk a lot of things.”

"There are 13 members and I’m a person that needs to take care of 13 people so I shouldn’t show my weak sides’. I don’t want him to think that anymore. If he is troubled with something discuss it with us.”

“Hyung because you exist, Super junior exists, you know that right?”

“Hyung, let me protect you my whole life.”

“As a leader, you’re the hyung that leads us but I was never able to thank you or tell you that you did a good job. I never realized how big your position is and I realized how we’ve been staying comfortably under you.”

“Our leader really cares for me. So I don’t feel tired.”

“Park Jung-soo is always tired cause of the 12 members. You can’t cry by yourself. When you’re tired, lean on us, okay?”

just got it from tumblr and i really want to cry a lot. thanks uri leader. you're the most precious leader ever :')

an ELF,


Thursday, 13 October 2011

i found it !

hello !
woah, i just got surprised this evening, my A-CHA album has just arrived !
yeaaaaay !
so cool >w<

and i got Kim Ryeowook's pin ! aaaaaaaaaaaa so handsome >.<

and yeah, i found Perfection repackage too, last week hehehe :3

now, i'm looking for Super Girl Repackage, Sorry Sorry A version and Bonamana B version ;D
yeah, i just want to share this ehehehe.
bye, have a nice weekend ! ^o^

with a happy heart,


Monday, 10 October 2011


afternoon, everyone!
it's raining outside, and it's time to day dreaming !
semua orang pasti punya khayalan, khayalan yang gak jauh-jauh atau malah nyerempet ke mimpi.
khayalan yang bener-bener gue pengen saat ini sebenernya cuma satu.

atau paling nggak, gak muluk-muluk sampe punya dorm atau apartemen mewah macem star city, SERUMAH aja udah indah banget rasanya.
pengen banget coba sekaliiiiiiiiiii aja tinggal bareng sama orang-orang yang paling gue butuhin, temen-temen yang nggak akan pernah ninggalin gue, dan yang paling penting, hidup layaknya sodara sendiri.
gue sayang banget sama ZUZU, cuma sama mereka gue bisa jadi diri gue sendiri, tanpe perlu nutupin apa-apa. semuanya gue keluarin, dari yang tercakep sampe yang terjelek. semua unek-unek gue, kesenengan, kesedihan, gue bagi semuanya ke ZUZU.

bagi pengalaman, kesamaan nasib, omelan orang tua, susah-seneng bareng-bareng.
dan gak ada hal yang gak seru selama gue bareng sama ZUZU, latihan pun selalu kerasa seru.
cuma sekedar makan, ngobrol, nge-share sesuatu, ngomongin event, ngomongin gath, ngomongin semua masalah-masalah, semuanya selalu jadi momen berharga buat gue. dan gue yakin, member lain juga pasti beranggapan sama kayak gue.
dan yang nggak kebayang, gimana kalo kita tinggal bareng?
bebas, seneng, ketawa, semua hal bisa kita lakuin bareng-bareng, mulai dari yang seru, baru, susah, seneng, gagal, SEMUANYA.
pernah pengen nangis bareng karena akhirnya dapet juara.

pernah juga nangis gara-gara curhat masalah pribadi. ketawa gara-gara hal bodoh, khayalan yang gak mungkin, dan pemikiran yang nggak masuk akal. ZUZU, iya itu ZUZU.
udah lebih dari 2 tahun gue sama mereka. luar-dalem, saling tau satu sama lain. dari mulai yang canggung sampe jadi akrab banget. dari mulai yang diem sampe bawel banget.

latihan, capek bareng. abis perform, capek bareng. seneng, sedih, kecewa, bahagia, gila-gilaan, semuanya bareng. gue gak pernah nyangka hidup gue bakal berubah se-drastis ini semenjak gue masuk ZUZU.

momen paling asik sama ZUZU itu kalo abis perform, di mobil, ngomongin macem-macem. soal perform tadi, salah dimana, keren dimana, kejadian-kejadian yang nggak bisa kita omongin dikhalayak umum, semua kebongkar di mobil. ketawa, nyorakin, cie-cie-in, bahkan sampe toyor-toyoran segala. sampe mau diturunin di tol, gebrak-gebrak kaca mobil sangking udah gak kuat nahan ketawa, nyanyi bareng-bareng di mobil dan masih banyak momen-momen lain yang kerasa indah banget.
sekedar makan, ngobrol, ngemil dan kumpul bareng bisa jadi seru banget.
11 orang jadi 1.

gak akan kebayang seindah ini. sedikit banyak, gue bisa ngerti perasaan member super junior. gue aja yang baru kenal ZUZU lebih dari dua tahun udah kayak gini, gimana mereka yang udah bertahun-tahun?

berdoa bareng-bareng, berharap yang terbaik buat semuanya, satu tujuan, satu mimpi.
sukses bareng, sedih bareng, terharu bareng dan semua yang mereka lakuin bareng-bareng. dan yang pasti semua itu kerasa indah, pas pegang dada, hangat. karena tau masih ada orang-orang yang cinta sama kita, sayang sama kita, dan gak mau kalo kita gak ada.

perasaan yang patut dan harus dijaga. perasaan yang nggak akan rela kita tinggalin gitu aja. perasaan yang kadang-kadang bikin kesel sendiri karena kangen momen-momen yang dulu. perasaan yang nggak bisa diganti sama apapun.
itu alesan gue kenapa pengen banget bisa satu tempat tinggal sama ZUZU. semua kerasa mudah, enjoy dan menyenangkan buat dijalanin. dan sampe kapanpun, gue gak akan mau ninggalin ZUZU. ZUZU terlalu berharga buat gue.

Kim Ryeowook of ZUZU,


Thursday, 22 September 2011

My Super Duper Collections !

hello !
long time no posting, huh? miss me? i hope so :P
LOL, i'm here now, because i wanna share something to y'all !
i have some SUPER JUNIOR ALBUMS. not so complete, but i will share it now ;D
i don't have Twins, U, Don't Don A version, and Super Junior-T Albums :(
but, for Don't Don, i have the Repackaged ones !
here it is ;D

okay, now for 3rd Jib, i don't have Sorry Sorry A version :(
i can't find it anywhere :'((
but, i have two versions. this is Sorry Sorry B version

and this is the Sorry Sorry Repackaged ( C version )

next, the 4th Jib, i don't have Bonamana B version.... same as Sorry Sorry A version, i can't find it anywhereeee *cries*
but, i have two versions of them ;D
this is the Bonamana A version (plus Eunhyuk photocard, wanna trade with siwon ones? LOL)

and this is the Bonamana Repackaged ( C version )

for the 5th jib, Mr. Simple, i have two of them hahaha!
this is Mr. Simple A version with Siwon cover (plus Ryeowook photocard and Poster) ;D

and this is Mr. Simple B version (plus 1 official Siwon photocard, 1 unofficial Siwon photocard, and 1 unofficial Ryeowook photocard and Poster)

and the Repackaged ones ( C version ) will come to my room 2weeks later ! i've ordered it ;D

i have Super Junior Happy mini album - Cooking? Cooking! too hehehe

for Super Junior M, i have one version of ME Album.

and then, i have Super Girl A version.

the last for Super Junior-M, i have Perfection A version (plus Kyuhyun photocard)

i'll search for Perfection Repackaged as soon as possible!

next, i have Super Show collection too ^^
i have Super Show 1 DVD and CD version :)

and i have Super Show 2 DVD and CD version, too ;D

oh, and i have Super Junior 1st Premium in Japan DVD

aha, this is bonus, because Kyuhyun is belongs to this group, i'll share it too ~
S.M The Ballad vol. 1 (plus SM The Ballad photocard)


i have some K-Pop albums, too beside Super Junior.
Like DongBangShinKi, SHINee and OST Boys Before Flowers :D

finally, this is my SUPER COLLECTIONS !

