but, there's one thing which make me sooooooooo sad.
after i heard about the rumour that "Siwon and Donghae couldn't be able to come to Indonesia", last nite, Siwon tweet about this :
"My beloved Indonesian family! Unfortunately I will not be able to participate in the kimchi concert because of scheduling conflicts with filming my drama. I am so sorry that I won't be able to attend. I've wanted to see you so much and it breaks my heart that I will not be able to meet you. I will look forward to the time we can meet again! I love you all :) blessing!"
this is extremely breaks my heart hurtly... suddenly, i can't stand my tears to not fall from my eyes. i cried in my room silently.. tweet about my dissapointment feeling.
and a few hours ago, i found this video.
(I'm sorry the video has been deleted from the uploader)
in the end of the video, he said "Aku Cinta Kalian" with Bahasa Indonesia. i started to cry again in front of my PC.
I hope we can meet next time in the next event, Choi Siwon.
i love you ♥
a Siwonest from Indonesia,
Suju Oppa <3